I spent another ten minutes poking around for World Fantasy Awards short stories and novellas tonight.
I found them all.
I have been able to locate a copy of everything except:
"The Lineaments of Gratified Desire", Ysabeau S. Wilce (F&SF Jul 2006) - Novella
"Journey Into the Kingdom", M. Rickert (F&SF May 2006) - Short Fiction
"Another Word for Map is Faith", Christopher Rowe (F&SF Aug 2006) - Short Fiction
Wanna guess where they are?
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror 2007, edited by Kelly Link, Ellen Datlow, and Gavin Grant. The picture was a little bit of a giveaway, huh?
Also included are the following nominated stories:
"A Siege of Cranes", Benjamin Rosenbaum (Twenty Epics, All-Star Stories)
"Pol Pot's Beautiful Daughter (Fantasy)", Geoff Ryman (F&SF Oct/Nov 2006)
Hopefully I'll be able to get to them all before the Awards, but if not it'll be shortly after. I'm really glad the Fantasy and Science Fiction stories are all collected in one place since they are not available online. Makes it easier.
Thank you for Hyping the short story.
I don't read nearly enough shorts myself, and mostly from the same handful of venues, so anything I can do to mention some others that we may have missed.
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