Thursday, January 15, 2009

Nebula Awards Change Rules

(via Niall)

Sounds like the Nebulas have revised their rules and the changes should help the Nebulas make sense.

The one that makes the most sense to me is, and this is Niall's wording because apparently I can't read rules and figure out what it means (seriously, not being sarcastic)

No more rolling eligibility; the awards are now tied to the calendar year

Now, what I hope this means is that the Nebulas in 2010 will be for the stories published in 2009. I almost called it the 2010 Nebulas, but I think technically that it would be the 2009 Nebulas. I just have problems calling awards which take place in one year by the naming convention of the previous year.

That just sounds stupid, but it's my issue.

Regardless, I believe that this particular change will be a good one.


  1. Yes, I believe that's what it means, and yes they will call the awards presented in 2010 the 2009 Nebulas: "The Nebula Awards year shall begin on January 1 and end on December 31 of the year for which awards will be presented".

  2. I will mourn the change from rolling eligibility. I will probably be the only one, but I will still mourn.

  3. Thanks for the clarification, Niall.

    I also read on Andrew Wheeler's blog that the rule changes also make the nomination process secret. If true, that could be the bigger story because I understand that some writers have declined to nominate because it was an open process.
